
Let's get the shit I really hate (right now) out of the way and find the good at the end. 

Mytouch3G Fender
Television except for CSPAN or PBS
Not everything

'72 Fender Telecaster
People making music all the time (ORL, FZ) 
Podcasts: Ted talks, Diggnation, WTF with Marc Maron, 
Almost everything/everyone

Looks like the good list is better than bad one, that's some semblance of balance all things considered. 


A big (small) change 

So I'm trying something a bit different for a morning beverage: Green Tea with a slice of lemon. I've drastically reduced my caffine intake over the past few weeks. This has really been a challenge to me and I'm sure anyone who's tried quitting or reducing caffine intake has dealt with the skull crushing headaches. Now that those have subsided, today will be the first day in a long while that I'm going all out and ruling coffee out in the AM as a usual jumpstart prior to work.

My reasons for doing this? Coffee wasn't working any more and I've tried other energy drinks and they leave me feeling quite strange to say the least. This is simply an adjustment to center myself and press the reset button as my caffine tolerance was just getting out of hand.

I want to be able to USE coffee and have it effect me. Sometimes you just need a little push and coffee does that very well. 



And the Battle Begins

Just seven minutes after I had landed. I got the call. They wanted to set a take to discuss the future of the estate. I shall engage them and entertain their opinions, suggestions and what other nonsense arises. Through out the course I will remain vigilant and refuse to lie in aguish. I have nothing, NOTHING to lose. 



I think it's time to start sharing my deepest darkest secrets with this machine

This is the Central Scrutinizer... testing1..... 2.....3... ahem... is this thing on?

It seems like I've developed some healthy new obsessions and picked up some old bad habits.

You can't win them all or can you?

That's kinda why this thing got switched on in the first place.This will be a way of documenting to see what I can accomplish in this short-time.

In these journal entries or blogs I will also attempt to release the bullshit that my brain is submerged in.

Currently this consists of working (if I can dare call it a 4 letter word), eating and consuming the Internet.... and all the normalcy in between along with a display of my known shortcomings (the only list that continues to get shorter and longer in the same breadth).

And so it begins...

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